Part 44: Sable Showdown (Prep)
Chapter 18: Sable Showdown (Prep)So, back to the main story now. I know its been a while, but Shadow Dragon is still happening in here somewhere.

Found it.

The word orb will never not be funny to me, Im sorry.

As far as bridge maps go, this isnt too bad. Its no Path of Radiance Petrine pitfall hellscape.
Actually deploying Minerva and Palla here, pretty much just because flyers are good, you guys.

Weve also got some promotions to take care of. Barst becomes a Berzerker.

18 strength is going to make him a hell of a heavy hitter for roughly the rest of the whole game.

Caeda goes Dracoknight and...actually loses stats? For some incomprehensible reason...split promotions ARE in this game. Kinda. Only Pegasus Knights can use them, and can also choose to become Falcoknights by using the Elysian Whip.
Falcoknights arent as strong as Dracos, or as physically durable, but they get more resistance and speed, basically just being Pegasus Knights But Moreso. They can also wield swords instead of Axes.
The reason Im telling you this instead of showing you is that getting the Elysian Whip requires buying it from the Nintendo Wifi Shop, a feature that is no longer active with the shutdown of the DS online capabilities. Sucks, but oh well. It had some pretty great items too, like Brave Weapons and more Master Seals.

Anyway, this map. Its honestly not much to look at at first. Theres a giant bridge well want to push south across.

The Sable Knights deploy almost exclusively Mounted units. Paladins, Horsemen, and Cavaliers will be making up the enemies here. Why, yes, that Ridersbane you probably have should come in handy, and a Poleax would be lovely. Marth and Caedas special weapons work great too, but watch out for bows in Caedas case.

Theres a small town area here with an Arena that might be one of the most useful in the game if you plan on using a very specific character. I dont, but I mean, its there.

As Im sure you wont be shocked to hear, there are a smattering of forts behind enemy lines. Be careful of suddenly appearing horses.

Theres really nothing remarkable about Sternlin. Poor guy doesnt even have a 2 range weapon, and unlike Morzas, he doesnt have the defensive stats to make up for it. Hell be the least of your concerns.

This guy would be a Troubadour but they dont exist yet.
Next time Marth crosses a bridge.
Bonus Content
Today were going to talk with the first character whose name I saw on the list, so hi Caesar!

Not to ruin the emotional scene here but I love picturing Caesar running into the shop and slamming gold on the counter to come out with a small handtruck of Vulneraries.